Eléctrico partied at Guelaguetza

The festival is over for another year as the 90th Guelaguetza Fiesta nurses thousands of sore heads and ringing ears across Oaxaca City. Guelaguetza is a Zapoteca word meaning active cooperation, and it means the whole state comes together.

It was such an auspicious occasion that Omar and Isabel decided to take a few bottles of Eléctrico Mezcal along to seek the approval of Centeōtl, the Goddess of maize, whom the festival honors. At every festival, representatives from across Oaxaca compete to become the earthly representation of Diosa Centeōtl for the duration of the event.

The competition is a powerful symbol of the matriarchy of Oaxaca. Each woman makes a powerful presentation to the citizens of Oaxaca before the walls of the Cathedral of Santo Domingo in the ancient city’s Unesco World Heritage site. The winner is chosen not for looks but for their intellect and knowledge of their culture. Dressed in the traditional costumes of their home, they are judged by an all-woman panel of former winners, and five finalists are chosen.

This year, the finalists included Erika Alvarado Jiménez from Eléctrico Mezcal’s regional capital and Isabel’s hometown, Tlacolula de Matamoros. The other finalists were:

  • Adriana Pascual Manzano de San Lucas Ojitlán

  • Juana Leticia Antonio Salinas de la H. Ciudad de Juchitán de Zaragoza

  • Jacsenic Maybeth Rodas González de Santo Domingo de Tehuantepec

  • Raquel Hernández Santiago de San Pedro Jicayán

  • And the winner was Jacsenic Maybeth Rodas González. All at Eléctrico Mezcal send felicitations to Jacsenic.

Once the Diosa Centeōtl was chosen, Oaxaca’s streets erupted into dancing, singing, and fireworks. Feasting and drinking continued for days, and Omar and Isabel took Eléctrico Mezcal to the revelers. From the pictures, our exquisite nectar found a ready welcome.


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